Apr 26, 2021
Most of us go through life just surviving. Dr. Kien Vuu shows us how to find our Thrive State. You can find the full show notes for this episode at 40plusfitnesspodcast.com/483.
Apr 19, 2021
One of the hardest things to get past on our health and fitness
journey is realizing that we have to prioritize ourselves so we can
be who we need to be for the people we care about. On this episode,
we discuss ways to know when your priorities are out of whack and
what you can do about it.
You can find the full show...
Apr 12, 2021
Have you considered taking your dog out with you on your run? In The Ultimate Guide to Running With Your Dog, Bryan Barrera tells you how. Bryan joined us on 40+ Fitness to discuss some of the finer points of running with your dog.
Apr 5, 2021
Most people who get into running start with a 5K as an initial goal. But then what? On this episode, Rachel and Allan discuss how to train for longer distances.