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Mar 28, 2023

When we breathe properly, we set our body up to have better physical and emotional resilience. On episode 583 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, we meet Jill Miller and discuss her book, Body by Breath.

You can find the full show notes at

Mar 21, 2023

In his book, I'm Not Okay With Gray, Michael Tayler shows us how we can approach life and embrace all that it brings.

You can find the full show notes at

Mar 14, 2023

On episode 581 of the 40+ Fitness Podcast, Dr. Mason Mandy and I discuss vein health and what you can do to improve it for better overall health.

You can find the full show notes at

Mar 7, 2023

In his book, Cheating Death, Dr. Rand McClain tells us how to live longer and better.

You can find the full show notes at