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Sep 30, 2019

Our guest today is a world-renowned neuropsychologist and stress expert. She's literally written the book on how to turn off your stress.  You can find the full show notes at

Sep 23, 2019

On this episode, we celebrate this being the 400th. We take a look back at where it began and look forward to what's ahead. You can find the full show notes, including all of the links mentioned during the episode at



Sep 16, 2019

This is the third part of a three-part mindset series. So many people say they want to lose weight or get stronger, but are they approaching this journey with true commitment?  You can find the full show notes at

Sep 9, 2019

Getting there requires work. On the second in three-part mindset series, we discuss how to go about the task of getting healthy, fit, and happy. You can find the full show notes for this episode at

Sep 2, 2019

I believe productivity and time management are missing pieces of the wellness conversation. If you're struggling to find time to make it to the gym or do food prep, this episode is for you. You can find the full show notes at